I have long been intrigued with landscape photography. I love the hauntingly beautiful and precisely described landscape photos made during the period of continental expansion, while I am also disturbed and saddened by the manner in which these images were instrumentalized to perpetuate false narratives about the vacant and available nature of the lands being portrayed. The history of the genre is complicated and complex; the contradictions contained in this history are part of the intrigue.
While I have been heavily involved in making pictures over the past few years, I have always felt that within the genre of landscape photography there is little room for me to say something novel, scant opportunity to add something meaningful to the conversation. And so the images that I have produced have not seen the light of day. The explorations represented here feel like a compromise between my interests in making pictures of interesting landscapes, making sculpture, and creating objects that are sensitive to their immediate environment.
On a very basic level, photography is and always will be about the interaction between medium and light. I am interested in the interactions of light and objects, the abstraction of the gathered ambient light of a given context within objects I have produced for this purpose, and the recording of this interaction through photographic processes. I am also interested in the idea that an object can give an abstracted representation of a moment, and an abstracted version of the light and color that exists beyond the frame; whether that frame be the periphery of the viewer or the bounds of the photographic image. These interests drove this exploration and the resulting objects and images.